what role does eva agricultural film bring to agricultural development?

  • 2023-06-02
  • Fulian Professional Manufacturer of EVA Film
  • 563

(1) it solves the problem of fog in plastic greenhouses and greenhouses, and increases the lighting time and intensity of light in greenhouses. the anti-fog non-drip film has a 20-25% higher light intensity than ordinary non-drip film when fog occurs. it can increase the air temperature and ground temperature of the greenhouse by 1 to 2°c;

what role does eva agricultural film bring to agricultural development?

(2) the air humidity in the greenhouse is reduced. due to the effect of the anti-fog agent, the drip-free performance of the greenhouse film is greatly increased. the moisture in the air in the greenhouse is quickly adsorbed and eliminated by the anti-fog agent, and the air humidity is compared with ordinary non-drip properties. the membrane is 10-12% lower;

(3) the disease is mild, and the number of sprays and dosage are reduced. because the anti-fog drip-free film solves the problem of fog in the greenhouse, reduces the air humidity, and greatly reduces the disease, especially the airborne infection of leaves under high humidity. the harm caused by fungal diseases (such as cucumber downy mildew, powdery mildew, melon powdery mildew, etc.) to vegetables and melons, the frequency and dosage of cucumber spraying should be reduced by half;

(4) it is beneficial to the flowering and pollination of watermelons, thick-skinned melons and fruit trees in protected areas, and improves the fruit setting rate and fruit quality.

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